25 Following



— feeling amazing

       ISBN 978-0-7636-6040-6




By Kate DiCamillo

Candlewick Press, 2013.




She is a natural-born cynic! He is an unassuming squirrel! Together Flora & Ulysses will conquer villians, defend the defenseless, and protect the weak. Or Something.




The opening description is wonderful and pulls the reader right into the voice of the character of Flora. “Flora Belle Buckman was in her room at her desk. She was very busy. She was doing two things at once. She was ignoring her mother, and she was also reading a comic book entitled The Illuminated Adventures of the Amazing Incandesto!”


I was drawn into the story and never left it. The illustrations gave me the artist’s ideas about how the characters looked. They added a lot to the words. There is even a poem by Ullysses in the epilogue.


I would recommend this book to the reader who likes a humorous book to read. It’s very funny in places. The vocabulary might occasionally be challenging but the story is worth it. Happy reading.